30 Oct, 2024
  • New research from Fentimans reveals London, Edinburgh, and Manchester have been named as the top three UK cities for having the best taste.
  • Over 80% of Brits claim they have good taste, with those aged 25-34 (92%) the self-proclaimed ‘most tasteful’ generation.
  • To put the nations ‘good taste’ to the test, a bespoke pop-up will tour the UK in November, encouraging passersby to dispose of unremarkable beverages and swap them for a tasteful Fentimans.

FENTIMANS, the premium soft drinks and mixers brand, today reveals the top three cities in the UK with the best taste, as voted for by Brits, with London coming out on top.

Fentimans, a specialist in creating Botanically Brewed soft drinks, asked 1,000 UK adults aged 18-65 which UK cities they believe have the best taste and whether they would consider themselves as having ‘good taste’.

A characteristic of good taste is the ability to identify and appreciate quality craftsmanship. According to this definition, Brits voted London as the UK city with the best taste, making up 44% of the vote, followed by Edinburgh (14.8%) and then Manchester (11%).

According to the research, Brits gave the chosen cities the ‘best taste’ accolade based on the array of restaurants and bars on offer (87%) and the arts & theatre options (61%). Of those who picked Manchester as the city with the best taste in the UK, over half (67%) put this down to the city’s music scene.

The research was conducted to celebrate the launch of Fentimans new brand campaign and the introduction of its first brand character, aptly named Fentiman. Charming, well-dressed and meticulously handcrafted, Fentiman is an Ambassador of Exquisite Taste, on a mission to inspire people to be more discerning with their beverage choices.

Fentiman is touring the UK in November, visiting London and Manchester to put their ‘good taste’ reputation to the test, intercepting people in the street who are about to make a soft drink faux pas. The drinks amnesty activation will also take a trip to the North East, the home of Fentimans, in a bid to bump Geordie’s up in the good taste list as it currently sits at seventh.

Jayne Andrews from Fentimans said: “We’re not surprised to see London and Manchester top of the list of cities with the best taste. They have so much to offer when it comes to restaurants, arts, and music – but what about their soft drink choices?

“Our home is in the North East, so we’re a little biased on who has the best taste, despite Newcastle not coming out on top! We’re excited to put all three cities to the test and find out who really has the best taste with our drinks amnesty activation.”

When Brits were asked if they’d class themselves as having ‘good taste’, 80% of respondents agreed. Those aged 25-34 are the self-proclaimed ‘most tasteful’ generation, with 92% of those in that age bracket claiming to have good taste. Followed closely by those aged 18-24 with 90% admitting they believe they have good taste.

For more information on Fentimans and the new Fentiman campaign, click here.

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